Our vision at PPA is to provide a service to our students that is built upon three pillars.
- We aim to provide a service that allows lifelong learning regardless of the student’s age or ability.
- We encourage students to undertake trial-and-error experimentation of their skills in a safe space with a caring community.
- We aim to educate students how to use self-regulation techniques to improve their mental wellbeing.
Our mission at Project Potential Adelaide is to prevent this vulnerable minority group from becoming further disadvantaged. To achieve this, we charge 10% below the NDIS price guide as this allows the students to access our services more frequently without going through all their NDIS allocated funding too quickly.
We exist as a feasible option to those who wish to implement what has been done in therapy across generalisable environments and at higher frequency, through the Key Worker Model. We do this by assisting families in navigating the NDIS landscape by liaising with relevant bodies to provide a tangible dialogue and practical role out of programmes under the guidance of allied health professionals. .
To facilitate students growth PPA work with the students’ team that consists of family members, teachers, doctors, therapists, and other government agencies to provide an environment that focuses of developing their social and life skills in a safe environment as well as the community to set them up to be able to participate as a community citizen.
We are not only getting this cohort out there to engage in citizen participation, but a large part of what we do is exposing the public to what our cohort has to offer. By exposing the public to other walks of life, we are promoting an inclusive community by breaking down stigmas. Together we are assisting to promote those who have additional challenges in our community.
See here for further information on our community collaboration and award nominations.
Encompassing the United Nations SDGs
As a grassroots social enterprise, our policies operate within an ethical framework. Both our workplace practice and student programs reflect values of promoting responsible global citizenship. This integration strategy encourages ethical decision making in our immediate community and within the new generation.
#3 Good Health & Wellbeing
The health and wellbeing of our students are of paramount importance to our organisation. Feelings of anxiety, discomfort and marginisalisation are a frequent experiences amongst those with ASD. The ability to connect to the world without barriers, to feel safe and welcome, are experiences many may take for granted. In collaboration with the students support team, we integrate the following aims into our curriculum with aspirations these aspects will become a fixture in the student’s life.
#4 Quality Education
What happens to young people with ASD when they leave school?
Generally, a plateauing of their educational development. PPA aims to bridge the gap between school and the wider world. We help maintain links to educational goals and work towards broadening student experiences beyond childhood. PPA has the goal of generalising skills for real world application so students can be as autonomous and self sufficient as possible. By using positive behaviour support methodology, we negate the effect of negative behaviors while also encouraging positive, functional behaviors.
#8 Decent Work & Economic Growth
As a grassroots social enterprise, profit is not the central goal. Positive community outcomes are at the fore front of our minds when making decisions. Our responsibility is not only to our students but to the community at large. PPA prioritises supporting local businesses, local artists and other community starts ups. Not only does it support economic growth, but it affirms our belief that as a community we grow together, as showcased on our collabertions page.
#10 Reduced Inequalities
Limited funding from NDIS is the cause of much frustration amongst many families. In order to reduce the impact of inequity for people with disabilities, Project Potential Adelaide early on in our history committed to delivering services at 10% below the industry standard rate. Inequality exists in educational opportunities available to people living with ASD. To combat this, we have developed an expansive curriculum that is tailored to all abilities by challenging our students to broaden their capabilities. This includes skills and excursions not typically taught in schools.
#12 Responsible Consumption & Production
Students in the PPA program are guided to consume responsibly as part of their education in becoming conscientious global citizens. As a way to impart knowledge we lead by example. Upcycling, recycling and reusing are typical practices that we follow in order in sourcing resources for our students. We conduct a variety of activities centering around ethical consumption, carbon footprint awareness and green alternatives. Our environmentally conscious curriculum is set to encourage planet friendly actions in our students through 10c bottle recycling and our partnship with Direct Collect, plastic waste awareness and use of public transport.